Dr. Adegboyega started his career as an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Educational Guidance and Counselling, Faculty of Education, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria in 2014. He moved up to the status of Senior Lecturer in 2024. Since his appointment in the University, he has served and is still serving in various capacities as Level Adviser, Departmental Academic Secretary, Assistant Sandwich Coordinator, Examination Officer among other duties.
Dr. Adegboyega has flair for teaching, conducting research and doing community services. He has successfully supervised many graduate projects. He is currently a Centre Manager for Bachelor’s Degree Programmes and an External Assessor/Moderator at National Teachers’ Institute, Kaduna.
Dr Adegboyega’s research efforts have gravitated around a number of issues surrounding Marriage and Family Life Counselling; and other general counselling-related issues. He has conducted surveys on the emotional intelligence of students; achievement motivation of students; students’ attitude towards examination; sexual behaviour of adolescents; counselling needs of undergraduates in Nigeria; family relationship and bullying behaviour; coping strategies of unemployed youths in Nigeria; marital issues in homes; and many others. He has over 70 research articles with some indexed in SCOPUS; published in National and International peer-reviewed Journal outlets with two scholarly books on emotional intelligence as well as guidance and counselling in Nigeria education.
Dr. Adegboyega is highly interested in journal matters. Presently, he serves as a Member and Reviewer to Editorial board member of six learned peer-reviewed International journals namely International Journal of Instruction in Turkey, Anatolian Journal of Education in Turkey, African Health Sciences, Makarere in Uganda, and Associate Editor, International Academic Journal of Education & Literature, Kenya. Member, Editorial Board, Education Journal, New York, USA. Member, Editorial Board, Acta Scientific Nutritional Health Journal.
Dr. Adegboyega belongs to many professional associations including Association of Professional Counsellors in Nigeria (APROCON); Counselling Association of Nigeria (CASSON); and Member, American Psychological Association (APA). Dr. Adegboyega is happily married with children.